This is the question that everyone asks when they go looking for a fragrance for their home or office and get stuck between essential oils and candles. Let me put your mind at ease because I have come here to break it down for you. 


Let’s start with candles.. Fragrances have been linked to many health risks classified as allergens, hormone disruptors, and asthma triggers. These toxins or VOCs are released and breathed into your lungs when you light a candle. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids. VOCs include a variety of chemicals some of which may have short and long-term adverse health effects. Concentrations of many VOCs are consistently higher indoors ( up to 10 times higher) than outdoors. VOCs are emitted by a wide array of products numbering in the thousands. 

Organic chemicals are widely used as ingredients in household products. Paints, varnishes, and wax all contain organic solvents. Fuels are made up of organic chemicals. All of these products can release organic compounds while you are using them, and, to some degree, when they are stored. Diffusing 100% pure essential oils allows you to enjoy your desired scents without health risks and provides many health-enhancing benefits! Not all essential oils are made equal. Be sure to only diffuse 100% pure essential oils with no adulterants.

Wax-made items are not made for long-term use. A typical 8-ounce candle will burn out in about 40 to 50 hours. On the other hand, our essential oils come in bottles of 5 ml to 15ml sizes, containing anywhere from 83 to 250 drops. Using an average diffuser with a “constant use” run time of about 8 hours would last you more than 10 full diffuser sessions. Doing some quick math would mean that a 5ml essential bottle would have a total of about 83 hours of run time, with the average candle’s run time record already beat.

*Helpful tip: 

Want your favorite scent to last you longer? Turn your diffuser setting to “interval use” and enjoy 10-14 hours of run time with no additional oil drops needed.

While an open flame may create a certain ambiance, it is not the safest idea. If you have children or pets, you may worry about the fire itself, the heat from the flame, or even the glass of the jar if it were to break. The open flame also means candles are unsafe when not attended to, leaving us to blow them out before bed. Diffusing essential oils require no heat, and you can leave them unattended without needing to worry. This also allows you to experience the benefits of aromatherapy while you are asleep! 

When you buy a candle, it only offers the one scent you chose. If you want another scent, you need to buy another candle. Essential oils allow you to create any scent your heart desires. Just a few different essential oils can create a wide range of different aromas! You are in control. If you create something you don’t particularly like, you aren’t stuck with that scent forever, you can simply start over and create something else. Diffusing essential oils also means you never have to lose the potency of that amazing scent ever again!

Well, I know when I learned all this information when I did, I was disappointed to know that candles could do that to us. I also found my disappointment, found essential oils that are pure, 100%, I know, exciting, these oils are unfiltered and are grown from the ground up. My next post will be about From the ground up on essential oils. You are more than welcome to browse and look, and I even encourage you to purchase one and try it out. My favorite one that I love is the LAVENDER, especially when it’s mixed with lemon and citrus fresh in my diffuser.

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